
Morning, noon, and night. It never stops.

That constant tightness in your chest. The struggle to control your breathing. The nagging feeling that, at any given moment, IT will happen.

People ask you, “What are you worried about? What is IT?”

But you can’t tell them because they wouldn’t understand. The truth is, you don’t understand either.

IT has taken control –

Control of so many aspects of your life – and leaves you with this never-ending nervous energy. Sleep isn’t even peaceful.

You try to calm the worry by being as busy as possible and maybe with a drink or two. But that’s a short fix, and IT always comes back.

Imagine what it would feel like…

To get a full, restful sleep without being awakened by sudden, unknown panic.

To be able to walk through the store without having convinced yourself that others were judging you in some way.

To be able to play with and simply enjoy your children without always feeling that other things or people need your attention at that moment.

You can turn those fantasies into reality.

Your feelings are real, and it’s important you understand that.

With some exploration, we can discover why you have these feelings – and why they make sense.

Behind your anxiety is a real fear. Together, we will acknowledge and face the fear that you’re trying so hard to protect yourself from.

Anxiety is exhausting.

It drains you of all your energy – of everything. You have nothing left for your friends and family.

Nothing left for YOU.

But YOU are worth taking care of.

You are worthy – to spend your days enjoying your life.

You are worth all of it.

Call me today at (774) 322-2175, and let’s get started.